Wednesday 15 June 2011

DMA188 - Device Review - PlayStation 3

I recently did a device review on the Sony PlayStation 3, and I learned quite a few things about this gaming console actually. The PlayStation 3's Xross Media Bar, is quite an interesting development for the PS3, its something new to experience. I learned that the XMB user interface allows users to actually pause on demand during game-play and can open multiple contents at once. Users can listen to music and launch a game at the same time for example.
Like in this picture, a racing game is being played and the user is on the Xross Media Bar, looking for something else to do at the same time.

The second thing I learned about the PS3 is that the video card that is installed in it was quite a feature. PlayStation 3 was released in 2006, and the graphic card installed on it has the doubled the strength of the NVIDIA GeForce 6, which was released a year before the PS3. Well compared to nowadays video cards, some are equal in performance to the PlayStation's RSX GPU; but in 2006, knowing that the RSX was stronger than 2 GeForce 6's, which were considered high end cards of the year, it definitely topped the charts for GPU specs.

Here is the RSX Reality Synthesizer (PlayStation 3's GPU).

Lastly, I learned that the PlayStation Store has downloadable content that doesn't have to be purchased. Some games, demos and wallpapers can be downloaded for free on the PSN. Yeah, I actually thought there's nothing free when it comes to an online store.

Hey look, free demos.

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